Brands – We’re here to launch your brand and to succeed, and it’s not just about getting more leads or visitors. It’s about crafting a sustainable brand powerhouse that fuels profitability. Dream BOLD with us, because we’ll have an exiting journey together.

How we create a growth strategy for brands

At Bonana, we're not just in the business of growing brands; we're in the business of nurturing their bold potential. What makes us stand out? We tailor our approach to your brand's DNA, unlocking possibilities you never knew existed. Let's embark on a one-of-a-kind brand journey together!


Intenz – Exclusive plants for a modern lifestyle. A bold strategy led to the creation of a groundbreaking concept.

Explore our case here.

Vibrant plants from Intenz's 'Arabica' Collection, showcasing the brand's natural beauty and diversity.
Engine Room

Engine Room – Enhancing the luxury driving experience. Our design expertise is reshaping the way you perceive cars.

Stay tuned for our upcoming case study.

A glimpse inside a luxurious sports car, where sophistication meets performance, the knowledge of Engine Room.
The Green Bottle Garden

The Green Bottle Garden, is a concept that evolved into a luxury product.

Our case study is coming soon.

A lush terrarium featuring 'The Green Bottle Garden' brand's thriving plants, a harmonious display of nature's beauty.